Mahfuja Akter Kulsum
Mafuja Akter Kulsum is a thirteen years old girl, living in a slum. She is studying in class 7 at Educo Pathshala. Her family migrated to Dhaka from Chadpur in search of work.
Forty-eight years old car driver, Kabir Islam is her father. Her mother’s name is Majada Begum. She is forty-five years old. She is a housewife. Mafuja has two brothers, one of them is a student and another one is currently unemployed.
In her family, her father is the only earner and he earns about USD 100 per month. They live in a single tin shed room in a slum. She has no table to study. They use two toilet sharing with six families.
Mafuja Akter wants to be a doctor in future. It is the aim of her life. But because of their poverty her parents are bit confused. She likes playing different types of games. Drawing is her hobby. She dreams to achieve her goal one day.